So yesterday, I told you the secret to my thick, shiny hair. While I still use my Dad's "secret formula", sometimes life is just too chaotic to wash real egg from my hair. For times like these, I use Lush's H'suan Wen Hua which means "Hair of the Gods". It's a deep hair mask that I leave in my hair for 20 minutes once a week. I was originally attracted to it because one of the first ingredients listed is fresh free range eggs and by now you all know how much I love eggs in my hair. In addition, it has avocado, banana, and olive oil to deep condition your hair.
My only complaints are the price and the smell. The container is a bit pricey especially with the amount required for long hair. My hair is really short right now (chin length), but when my mom uses this product she had to use at least a quarter of the bottle. The good part is that with any Lush product in a container, if you bring 5 empty, washed pots back, they give you a free face mask which is valued at around $10. The product smells like cinnamon, but the scent is easily covered by shampoo and conditioner. If you sweat, however, you can tell the product was absorbed deep into the hair (it works!). I was in the middle of a Bikram Yoga session sweating buckets when I realized I could smell cinnamon all around me from this deep conditioner.
Have a fabulous week!
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