Fall has arrived once again. And while this means, sweaters, pumpkin spiced lattes, and the holiday season, it also brings cold/dry weather which can mean chapped lips and irritated skin for some people (like me). I wanted to share with you guys some of my tips to fight the effects of the season on your skin.

Lip Balm
Chapped lips are more common during the cold season so I always try to have some sort of lip balm around. EOS is my personal favorite since the cute shape and unique scents make me want to actually use my lip balm (remembering to put it on is half the battle). The soothing ingredients in this brand's balm also work best on my lips. Try and coat your lips with balm all day long as a preventative measure instead of waiting until they are already red and cracking to apply a balm. It's much less painful that way. :)

Body Butter
I suffer from eczema so a really thick body butter is a necessity during the winter months. I love the Body Shop's selections. Sometimes when my skin is really bad, I use it year around. If you check the tub, the butters are labeled "normal", "dry skin", and "very dry skin" so you can find one that suits your personal skin type the best. I love the olive oil, argan oil, and mango body butters the best.

Hydrating Face Cream
Dry skin doesn't only stop with your body; it can affect your face as well. The extra dry weather generated from the artificial heating units mean that our face creams have to be extra potent during this time of year. My personal favorite is the Murad Perfecting Night Cream.
Hand Cream
A thick hand cream before bed or whenever, my hands are dry is a must. Chapped, cracked hands are painful in the winter. My favorite's are L'Occitane's hand cream line or Lush's Lemony Flutter.
A Humidifier
If the weather is really dry or you have super sensitive skin, I recommend buying a humidifier. They come at a variety of price points so there is one for every budget. One of my favorite tricks is to save my hot bath water or fill the tub up with some hot water before I go to bed. Since my bathroom adjoins my bedroom, the steam provides some extra moisture. You can also place a wet washcloth in the room with you or place your wet clothes on a drying rack in your bedroom. This not only provides a bit of extra moisture, it cuts down your energy bill as well since you aren't running the dryer.
Some final words of advice:
If you suffer from severe skin problems during the winter (or any time of the year), try to minimize the number of products you put on your skin and try to select more natural products with minimal ingredients.
What are your cold/dry weather essentials?
Disclaimer: All opinions are MakeupandMasala's. This post is not sponsored.
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